Defining the Future of Transportation Management Systems

The role and capabilities of transportation management systems (TMS) must continue to evolve and improve as transportation networks and operations become more dynamic and complex. Companies that continue to manage their transportation operations with outdated systems, or worse, with Excel spreadsheets, will find it difficult or impossible to keep pace with their customer requirements, as well as their cost and strategic objectives.

  • What factors are driving the need for innovation in transportation management systems?
  • What are some of the most important attributes of a next-generation TMS?
  • How are emerging technologies like predictive analytics transforming TMS?
  • Is access to data and converting it into insights becoming easier?
  • Will the role and skills of TMS users need to change too?
  • Are next-gen TMS leading to next-gen 3PL relationships?

Mike Dieter, Chief Technology Officer at Transplace answers those questions and more in this timely and informative episode.

Podcast version (click to play):





