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A 2024 Outlook into the Future of Retail Promotions

2024 Retail Promotion innovations outlook blog cover

As we step into 2024, the retail landscape is undergoing significant transformations, with technology, data, and customer expectations playing pivotal roles. The future of retail promotions is being shaped by innovative advancements, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

 In this blog, we’ll explore the outlook for retail promotion management innovations, shedding light on the key trends that will redefine the retail promotion landscape this year.

Table of Contents

In 2024, AI is revolutionizing how retailers manage promotions, creating a dynamic shift toward personalized strategies. Successful examples, such as Ashley Global Retail, demonstrate  AI’s pivotal role in targeting specific customer segments within their promotional strategies, leading to a significant 23% increase in conversions.

AI isn’t just a tool; it’s becoming the cornerstone of the future of retail promotions, driving efficiency and precise decision-making. From their side of the aisle, retailers are undergoing a paradigm shift, with generative AI positioned to revolutionize how consumers’ path to purchase is altered, with personalized content and recommendations being the driving force behind their decisions. For retailers, Generative AI seems to be the differentiator when it comes to pinpointing the items included in their promotions, relying on consumer preferences, online and in-site behavior, and purchasing history-centric product recommendations.

As we dive into AI-infused personalized promotions in 2024, it’s evident that the future of promotion management lies in a fusion of data-driven insights, hyper-personalization, and strategic AI applications, set to redefine how retailers maximize promotional potential, assisting their ongoing efforts to create targeted campaigns and boost their ROI.

Retailers are reshaping their promotional strategies, placing a distinct emphasis on green retailing fueled by advancements in AI and IoT technologies. This strategic transformation, highlighted by Randy Fields, CEO of ReposiTrak, underscores sustainability as a defining factor shaping the future of promotions and the overall retail landscape.

This year marks a turning point where sustainability takes a prominent role in the C-suite. Retailers prioritize local e-commerce, waste reduction, and inventory optimization, leveraging AI and IoT to reduce their carbon footprint. The enforcement of traceability laws, with the FSMA Section 204 deadline in January 2026, becomes a catalyst for operational enhancement and regulatory compliance.


The circular economy gains momentum as shoppers embrace pre-owned and refurbished products, indicating a transformative path for the future of retail. Retail giants like Amazon and Patagonia adapt, offering used electronics and gently worn items. In 2024, retailers must seize the opportunity to amplify circularity efforts, enhancing in-store experiences and educating shoppers.

Tech-driven solutions combat food waste, employing intelligent inventory systems and data analytics. Collaborations aligned with sustainability goals optimize supply chains.
This new era witnesses retailers transforming promotions to align with a circular economy, optimize shelf life, and minimize environmental impact.

Tech predictions for 2024 highlight the significance of generative AI, increased focus on customer expectations, and a commitment to sustainability. These trends are directly impacting how retailers approach promotion management, ensuring a balance between technological advancements and meeting customer demands. Tim Spencer, CEO of Invafresh, underlines the role of AI in supporting a range of promotion management needs, spanning from forecasting and operations to delivering personalized customer experiences. The emphasis is on leveraging technology for strategic promotion planning and execution.
Targeted promotions

Creative Promotions:

In 2024, the retail landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, driven by generative AI and a heightened focus on consumer-centric strategies. With 90% of top U.S. retail leaders prioritizing unit growth, creative promotions are taking center stage to capture consumer attention in a year of cautious spending Retailers are embracing innovative approaches, such as cross-marketing partnerships and value-based offerings, with 71% increasing promotional efforts. Consistency is key, as retailers invest in digital and physical shelf optimization, leveraging retail media networks, and integrating marketing strategies.

Trend Analysis:

Trend Analysis

Understanding consumer needs and perceptions at the individual level lays the foundation for a consumer-centric approach, empowering retailers to identify the trends and behaviors they want to drive and pick the right set of promotions accordingly. AI-powered modules can analyze historical data of past promotions and combine it with real-time analysis of consumer behavior online and in-store to predict the next trend, enabling retailers to make informed decisions about product offerings, marketing strategies, and promotions.

Clean-label Trend:

Clean-label Trend-

The clean-label trend is gaining momentum, emphasizing transparency in product information. Retailers are actively communicating what’s NOT in their products, leveraging AI for personalized shopper lists, and using digital media for educational campaigns.

and behaviors they want to drive and pick the right set of promotions accordingly. AI-powered modules can analyze historical data of past promotions and combine it with real-time analysis of consumer behavior online and in-store to predict the next trend, enabling retailers to make informed decisions about product offerings, marketing strategies, and promotions.

Post-Holiday Retail Tactics and 'Orange Friday' Disruption

Post-holiday, retailers are strategically transitioning from festive promotions to preparing for spring goods, with a strong focus on post-holiday liquidation strategies taking center stage.  Michael Brown, Partner and Americas Leader at Kearney, recommends that retailers optimize remaining inventory efficiently, urging them to break away from conventional post-holiday promotional strategies.
Post-holiday retail tactics

Brown’s insights into consumer spending patterns for 2023 emphasize the critical importance of capturing consumer dollars early. He introduces the concept of ‘Orange Friday’ as a disruptive force challenging traditional post-holiday norms. This emerging trend underscores the growing significance for retailers to engage consumers at the earliest possible stage, avoiding the last-minute rush for those final dollars.

In this dynamic environment, considerations about the future of retail and the role of AI in retail operations become integral to staying ahead in the industry.

2024: The Year of Reshaped Retail Promotions

In 2024, the future of retail promotions revolves around achieving a personalized and sustainable approach , and it seems like Generative AI and data analytics will be the key enablers driving the current wave of change in the retail landscape. Such a data-driven approach relies on identifying consumers’ behavioral patterns in the phygital realm and the driving forces behind their purchasing habits, offering smart insights and real-time recommendations to improve the shopper’s experience and personalize it across all channels while maintaining a sustainable process with a reduced ecological footprint.

The Intersection of AI, Personalization, and Sustainability in 2024’s Retail Landscape

However, achieving such a feat hinges on the retailer’s ability to intersect AI, personalization, and sustainability in a formula that guarantees planning and executing promotions that check all the boxes.

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