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How to leverage AI and ML for an Effective promotional pricing strategy?

In the realm of fast-paced retail, where staying one step ahead of the competition is a strategic imperative, there’s a dynamic force that reigns supreme—promotional pricing. Success in this world isn’t merely about making sales; it’s about crafting captivating experiences, driving revenue, and nurturing brand loyalty.


Promotional pricing serves as the cornerstone of this retail revolution. It’s not just a strategy that attracts shoppers; it’s a powerful call to action that ignites excitement and urgency, ensuring customers return for more.


Today, as the retail landscape evolves at an unprecedented pace, the rules of the game are changing. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are reshaping the very essence of how retailers approach promotional pricing. These cutting-edge technologies offer the potential for optimization, the ability to predict customer behavior, and the agility required to thrive in a fiercely competitive market.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the world of promotional pricing and explore how AI and ML can revolutionize your approach. Discover the secrets of success, stay updated on the latest trends, and harness these transformative technologies to supercharge your promotional pricing strategy. Welcome to the future of retail.

Table of Contents

What is Promotional Pricing?

Promotional pricing is a strategic marketing approach aimed at sparking customer interest and driving sales through enticing discounts on specific products. 

Offering items below their regular retail prices cultivates a sense of urgency, often referred to as the “Fear of Missing Out” (FOMO), which encourages immediate purchases. 


Retailers have long embraced this method, employing tactics such as “buy one, get one,” discounts, and coupons, especially in e-commerce. 

These promotions play crucial roles in seasonal sales, inventory management, and incentivizing bulk purchases.

Why and How Retailers Use Promotional Pricing:

Retailers frequently turn to promotional pricing to generate sales surges, drive traffic, clear surplus stock, retain new customers, and reward existing ones. 

During promotion planning, retailers employ diverse strategies, from traditional manual analysis to harnessing advanced technologies like AI and ML. They scrutinize metrics such as sales history, customer demographics, and competitive pricing to craft effective strategies.

Most Common Promotional Pricing Types & Examples

Retailers employ various promotional pricing strategies tailored to customer preferences and market dynamics:

1- Buy One, Get One Free (BOGOF)

This promotion pricing strategy entices consumers with a complimentary or discounted item when they make a purchase. 

Retailers and wholesalers turn to BOGOF sales to clear surplus stock and temporarily boost traffic, appealing to deal-savvy customers. 


Many retailers prefer this strategy for its versatility. For example, Albertsons strategically employs “buy 1, get 1 free” promotions to bolster CPG sales, with a focus on FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods). You can even personalize your deal-hunting on their online Deals page.

2- Discounts

Discounts are a classic sales strategy where retailers lower an item’s original price to attract cost-conscious customers and stimulate cash flow. There are two primary forms of discounts:


Retailers specify the exact amount of money consumers will save. Big-box retailers like Walmart frequently use Amount-Off discounts, especially for products under $100.


This widely used promotional strategy is prominently featured on retail websites like Target’s Deals page. Retailers indicate the percentage by which an item’s price will be reduced, leaving consumers to do the math.

3- Flash Sales

Flash sales are limited-time promotion events that prompt consumers to make swift purchases. Retailers employ flash sales to present deeply discounted prices briefly, leveraging the “fear of missing out” to drive urgency. 


Amazon’s Lightning Deals is a prime example, offering timed deals lasting only a few hours, creating make-or-break opportunities for brands, retailers, and eager consumers.

4- Seasonal Sales Promotions

This competitive promotion strategy surges demand during off-peak seasons by lowering prices when demand is typically low. 

For example, products like jelly beans and peeps are often discounted after Easter. While flash sales are fleeting, seasonal sales are typically designed to last at least 24 hours. 


However, retailers must time these promotions correctly to avoid stocking bathing suits in November. Savvy consumers seek out these off-season deals, knowing that retailers are keen to manage excess inventory.

5- Loyalty Programs

Acquiring new customers is a costly endeavor, making customer retention essential. Retailers employ loyalty programs to incentivize existing customers to continue shopping. These programs offer exclusive advantages, such as discounts and rewards. 

For example, Kohl’s Rewards program provides customers with 5% cash back on all purchases, along with special birthday rewards and personalized perks. 

When combined with Kohl’s card, customers gain additional benefits, including eligibility for monthly free shipping events and exclusive savings club access.

AI and ML for Optimized Promotional Pricing Strategies​

AI and ML are transforming retail, projected to reach a market value of 55.53 Billion Dollars by 2030. These technologies offer retailers the potential to optimize their promotional pricing strategies, providing accurate predictions, enabling targeted promotions, offering a comprehensive view of pricing factors, and reducing risks, time, and cost:

  • Accurate predictions:
    Market trends shape the contours of your retail promotion strategy. They represent the directional flow of the market, influencing customer preferences and often catalyzing technological advancements. Adaptation is key, as changes in disposable income or consumer confidence can necessitate more enticing deals to stimulate demand.
  • Targeted promotions:
    AI identifies consumer behavioral patterns and recommends the best targeted-promotion types and timing to engage specific customer segments. This customization reduces promotional waste and boosts consumer spending.
  • 360 View:
    Machine Learning incorporates various KPIs and factors, both tangible and intangible, into promotion pricing decisions. Retailers can create comprehensive pricing plans that cover all aspects for a better ROI.
  • Risk Reduction:
    ML models simulate billions of scenarios, saving time and reducing risk. Analysts can assess different outcomes in a controlled environment before executing pricing strategies, minimizing the chances of unsuccessful promotions.

Cognira’s PromoAI Solution

Cognira’s PromoAI Solution represents a cutting-edge approach to promotional pricing and campaign management for retailers. It seamlessly integrates the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) with deep retail industry expertise to revolutionize how retailers plan and execute their promotional strategies:

Key Features

  • Data-Driven Insights: PromoAI leverages AI and ML to analyze extensive datasets, uncovering valuable insights for crafting effective promotional pricing strategies.
  • Comprehensive Promotion Lifecycle Management: It handles every phase of promotion management, ensuring precision from planning to real-time adaptation.
  • Optimizing Pricing for ROI: PromoAI’s AI models simulate pricing scenarios, providing data-driven and dependable pricing recommendations for maximum ROI.
  • Real-Time Demand Forecasting: It continuously evaluates data to adjust strategies swiftly in response to market changes.
  • ROI Calculation and Reporting: PromoAI offers tools for tracking and reporting the actual impact of promotions.
  • Seamless Integration: It seamlessly integrates with retailers’ existing systems and workflows.

In essence, Cognira’s PromoAI Solution empowers retailers to make data-driven decisions, optimize pricing strategies, and stay agile in the competitive retail landscape, ultimately maximizing their ROI from promotions.

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About Cognira

Cognira is the leading artificial intelligence solutions provider for retailers. Cognira is passionate about helping retailers unlock valuable, transformative business insights from their data.

We know retail. We love data.

To learn more, check out our website at cognira.com or contact us today to get started. 

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