How is COVID-19 Bringing a Drastic Change in Trend for Ecommerce Industry?

April 16, 2020
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COVID-19 bringing a drastic change

eCommerce shopping is now a very regular activity users have been undergoing for a while now. Turns out, online shopping is now a need; despite handling the COVID-19 pandemic, people are still shopping online.

In fact, as mentioned by Selics in its most recent survey, brands are facing shipping issues but more than 28% of respondents continue to say sales are going up for some eCommerce based brands. Some brands are also making mentions about an increase in their ad campaign investments and efforts.

Isn’t it surprising? The world has come to a physical standstill however, we all continue to shop digitally. Some retailers say that this is a fairly good time to be in the eCommerce market and upscale sales.

What kinds of brands an increase in sales?

In the same study, the brands which claim to have increasing sales go as high as 41% in the new- essentials category and 50% of sales for the non-essential category.

Of the brands that say sales are increasing, 41% sell products in a new essentials’category and 50% sell products in a ‘non-essentials’ category. However, about 40% of those brands are facing shipment issues; not just financially but time-wise as well.

Going back further, 56% are facing issues with their respective supply chains; top reasons include closed factories and supplies being paused temporarily due to low staff mostly.

To answer the question, top industries which have shown an increase in sales are:

  • Food and beverage
  • Beauty and cosmetics
  • Office supplies
  • Health and fitness
  • Toys and hobbies

Other industries include religious accessories, CBD products and several others.

What’s working for the industries?

As a business owner, you need to let your audience know that you’re there to help them. Several brands like Baked by Melissa and Swiggy have made it a point to let its users know this in various ways:

  • Sending out shipping updates via email marketing: With a quality, well- updated and maintained database, your business can also send out such mailers. Shipping updates keep your audiences informed, helping in brand management and visibility.
  • Making extensive use of their databases: As a business, whether you are open or not open for shipping, you can roll out campaigns to let your audience know the same. This way, you can be empathetic and sensitive to your top visitors, viewers and shoppers.

What about the industries which are facing decreased or no impact on sales?

The world is not facing an extreme percentage of industries with massive impacts because of COVID-19. However, they sure are doing things which are not working in their favor:

  • Not planning for the present or future: Something as basic as informing customers about the short pause in the business is not done by this 36% of eCommerce brands. The business owners see no reason to make optimum use of databases and roll out multi-channel marketing campaigns! This is the best time to roll out marketing campaigns with your existing database.
  • Lack of engagement with audiences: Letting the brand followers leave uninformed about the latest updates with relation to COVID-19 and supply availability is a big problem that will reflect on your brand’s profit in the near future. It is highly recommended for you to take immediate action and take care of the same.As next-up, let’s try and understand how COVID-19 is leaving a deep Economic Impact on eCommerce Brands.

Economic Impact on COVID-19 Pandemic in E-Commerce Market

China, being the source area, which struck the Coronavirus pandemic made the sourcing products from production houses pause supply of products. This led to countless factories remain shut down for days. This significant economic impact affected one of economics most well-explored principles; ‘the supply’ aspect.

The good role played by e-commerce brands is that Amazon and other brands have made an attempt to keep their best efforts going on helping providing service to its customers.

Key Highlights

  • The e-commerce industry has made household staples a priority and increases the supply for the current need like medical supplies, regular groceries and more
  • Trends analysis with regard to a shift in demand

Retail stores are closed based on industries. Delivery of essentials, medical care and personal care are at a rise. The e-commerce industry has made it a point to cater to this survival-based need. In fact, several alcohol brands have turned their manufacturing towards manufacturing sanitizers!

Point being businesspersons like You need to understand the need. Read the upcoming trend analysis for what customers are buying during COVID-19 and change your product or let nature run its course.

Trend 1: COVID-19 Online Shopping – Home Basics& Survival Shopping Strategy

‘Replacement shopping’ and ‘stocking up’ on essentials are two popular terms the e-commerce has been hearing for over a month now. About 47% of online shopping is done for home care and groceries in Italy.

It is not expected of all brands out there to immediately flip from one product to another. Hence, it is most recommended for small & medium businesses to roll out marketing campaigns and update users about what’s going on with your brand.

Survival shopping refers to making intuitive choices while shopping and make smart decisions. For instance, air purifiers, medical supplies and others would be a great range of options for survival shopping.

Trend 2: COVID-19 Online Shopping – Home Improvement Products

Several individuals lately feel inspired and are making the smart choice of investing in lawn, patio and garden needs. Due to several cancellations of trips and adventures, e-commerce brands are now coming up with exciting ways to keep lives fun at home.

Trend 3: COVID-19 Online Shopping – Entertainment, Activities, Sports

Video games, toys, board games and lots of other interesting products have gained momentum with regards to sales. People are looking to learn new skills, play around and ease through this time of difficulty.

Sports and outdoor fitness equipment are also doing well because of the increase in its need. People are actually putting in extra time for personal well-being.

Trend 4: COVID-19 Online Shopping – Study Space Decor

The level of urgency at which ‘Work From Home’ was announced due to lock-down in multiple countries, has led to an increase of 39% for the home office essentials shopping in the e-commerce industry. We’re all spending half of our time in a part of our home; its time people start making it lively.

Trend 5: COVID-19 Online Shopping – Knowledge & Skill Development Products

The investment in several learning experiences has increased too due to the need to engage budding young population, keep them going too. Books are being purchased, investment in kindle too has increased drastically, making this a shopping trend.

The extensive investment in this space is a great benefit for the near future; it’ll bring back a more educated and proactive citizen for all.


The demand-supply chain is out for a spin. However, we now know for sure what’s most important for e-commerce brands to look into for future investments. You as a business owner must use this time to truly engage your audiences, people on your database and your clients too.

Everyone is open for information, advertisements and all other ways in which your brand can increase profits and stability now or soon enough for the e-commerce industry.


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