FMEA, AIAG, VDA, quality, quality management, QMS

In June 2019, the US Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) and German Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA) published the Failure Mode Effects Handbook in a joint effort to improve and harmonize Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). Will it be a game changer to drive real improvements in quality and effectiveness of FMEA? 

Will the New 2019 Failure Mode Effects Handbook Improve FMEA?

Let’s first understand the changes and objectives made compared to AIAG’s prior version of the handbook – FMEA 4th Edition (published 2008).

  1. 7 Steps – These steps are the same regardless of the type of FMEA to provide a systematic approach to FMEA supporting team clarity and focus to provide results that are clear, true, realistic and complete.
  2. 5Ts – These are designed to align the cross-functional team working on the FMEA.
  3. Action Priority (AP) Replacing Risk Priority Number (RPN) – RPN has long been criticized for overemphasizing detection. AP puts emphasis on severity, then occurrence, and finally detection. It results in a High, Medium, and Low assessment of each risk where High risks should have a risk reduction action defined.
  4. Monitoring and System Response (MSR) FMEA – This is an entirely new FMEA type. It is intended to define fault mitigation during customer use to maintain a safe state or a state of regulatory compliance. This is a needed FMEA as we venture into more automated devices and transportation to ensure maximum safety during a failure or fault.
  5. Foundation and Family FMEAs – The handbook recommends the use of foundation or family FMEAs to institutionalize your knowledge, gain the efficiency of that knowledge and keep it a living document that will improve over time and which can be incorporated into existing or new products.
  6. Work Elements – In a Process Failure Mode Effects Analysis (PFMEA) the handbook details a framework to think about the types of work elements (e.g. man, machine, etc.) applicable to the PFMEA. This increases the likelihood the team will consider all reasonable potential failures or sources of variation.
  7. Multiple Levels of Effect – The handbook requires thought beyond the generic “effects” of a failure mode and identifies effects on your plant, the ship to plant, and the end user of the product. By understanding the application of the product by the end user, the severity of a failure mode can be determined.

FMEA Practices that Can Put Your Business at Risk

Let’s consider some commonly observed practices that can put your business at risk:

Lack of Management Funding of FMEA

Notice that I specifically did not call it “Management Support”. To truly make your FMEA effective, it takes care and feeding, which means funding. Generally, I see a lot of instances where management does not make it a safe space for people to work on FMEA. Addressing a current customer issue almost always trumps this work. But what are you sacrificing? When you only pay lip service to FMEA, you don’t get the intended benefits. Everyone wants dependable, high-quality and safe products, but few think about the impacts of not taking the time to do FMEA effectively.

 Consider the impact of a quality escape caused by your organization. For a simple example, these are 26 steps to ensure you maintain your original commitment to fulfill the customer’s order:

FMEA, AIAG, VDA, quality, quality management, QMS

The red steps are the effort required by the customer. This is a huge waste of resources and some organizations have entire departments that only do this. Why do we accept this chaos? How can we prevent this? Changing our behaviors to plan for quality rather than embracing detection and fire-fighting that leads to very high cost of quality, customer satisfaction issues, margin erosion and brand risk. The new FMEA Handbook lays out a framework to help facilitate behavioral change, but it will likely not happen if management does not fund, demand and monitor adherence and outputs.

Checking the Box

I have also seen customers do FMEA after the fact. While this may have some noble aspects (e.g. the fact that you did some risk analysis), the majority of cases are just efforts to “check the box” which does not lead to any of the great benefits of doing FMEA. It can lead to two fundamental problems: inspecting something that has really low risk, driving up the appraisal cost and/or not inspecting a critical feature that can lead to recall, injury or worse.

To do FMEA efficiently and effectively, it requires time from your best resources – those that have the most experience in various functions, are highly observant, and are eager to build quality into the part.

The new FMEA handbook requires documentation of the planning, risk analysis, optimization of the high priority items, and documentation of the results of the FMEA exercise. 

Copying from a Prior Part

Another observation is that customers often copy from a prior part’s FMEA, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but is risky if that practice lacks appropriate follow through. Many customers copy a prior part’s FMEA and only add failures specific to the part. What they may not incorporate are:

  • Improvements to FMEA made since the prior part copied from
  • Adjustments to severity based on application/use of the product
  • Adjustments to occurrence and detection based on new data

The new FMEA recommends a foundational or family FMEA that is living and can be used not only to create FMEA for new parts, but also for updating existing part FMEAs with those changes as applicable.

The Verdict

The new 2019 AIAG/VDA FMEA Handbook has some very sound practices to help a team, improve culture and prevent quality issues. However, if management does not fund and hold people accountable for solid FMEA work, there will be little impact. Use this new handbook as the catalyst to make the cultural change, remove the chaos, and improve your brand and margins. Companies will always pay for the quality of their products, it is simply much more expensive when done reactively.


  1. Fill in the identifying information at the top of your FMEA form. (Figure 1 shows a typical format.) The remaining steps ask for information that will go into the columns of the form.

  2. The newest version of FMEA is loaded with USA’s Automotive Industry Action Group or AIGA and Germany’s Verband der Automobilindustrie or VDA. The main goal of adding AIGA and VDA is to make the work and collaboration with the subcontractors easier and also control the cost of quality. The new and upgraded classic FMEA handbook is a great opportunity for the automobile industry.

    The major changes that have been made to the new 2019 FMEA Handbook are:
    1. 7 Step Procedure – The new version is a 7 step procedure that results in a clearer, realistic, and complete approach towards failure analysis. The 7 steps of the procedure are:
    The first step is planning and preparing the project by updating the reports and keeping up the 5Ts that are 1.1 InTent, Timing, Team, Tasks, and Tools. We also make sure to define the scope and limitations of the failure analysis we are conducting.
    1.2 The second step is performing a three-tiered structural analysis (system, subsystem, and elements), identifying the elements that need special attention, and further creating design and process links.
    1.3 The third step is analyzing the performance or function of the system. This analysis includes identifying and defining the functions that are required by the system. After that, you also link the requirements to the identified functions by creating a functioning network via a block diagram.
    1.4 The fourth step is analyzing the failure. This step defines all the potential risks and connections between Design FMEA and Process FMEA.
    1.5 The fifth step is analyzing the identified risks and identifying the techniques that can be used for detection and prevention. During this step, we also assign scores for severity, occurrence, and detection of the failure. We further evaluate the Action Priority matrix.
    1.6 In the sixth step, we perform optimization by preparing an action plan for reducing the risk by either lowering the frequency of the cause or by improving the ability to detect the risks.
    1.7 The seventh and final step in the 7-step procedure is preparing the documentation of the results. This document includes the status of the actions, what and how the actions are implemented, and the conclusion of the FMEA analysis.

    Overall, you can say that the newest fourth edition of FMEA would indeed be a game-changer in the market as it would bring some sound practices that would help the teams to improve the quality issues, deal with the cultural changes, mitigate the chaos, and further improve your brand.