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Day 3 @ NRF | Burning Questions
& Key Takeaways

Cognira at NRF 2022
And just like that…we wrap up the NRF 2022 blog series with our day 3 recap! It was a pleasure to attend retail’s big show and meet with retailers, vendors, and industry experts to discuss important conversations surrounding retail and technology.

In today’s blog, discover what questions we received from retailers and any important takeaways from the event.

Burning Questions @ NRF

Like we mentioned in the day 1 recap, our main objective at NRF 2022 was to focus on our AI Promotion Solution. We had the opportunity to meet with various retailers across the globe, all with very similar (but important) questions.

Here are a few to list:
Does your solution work for both brick-and-mortar and online promotions?
We recognize the push for retailers to have an omnichannel experience embedded into their customers journey. Our solution supports both online and in-store promotions.
Can your solution handle targeted promotions in addition to mass promotions?
Our single platform solution is equipped to create all types of promotions– simple or complex, personalized and targeted promotions.
Do you integrate with our supply chain — Replenishment
Yes, our solution is fully integrated into both upstream and downstream processes.
Does your software do the execution of promotions?
We do not do executions. Our solution is used for management, analysis, creation and optimization of promotions. Once a promotion has been created it is shipped for execution. We are fully integrated into execution systems, making this process automated and seamless.
How long does it take to get a forecast on a promotion being planned?
A forecast is provided in near-real time while planning and creating a promotion. Our near-real time forecast drives what-if simulations that allows the user to optimize the promotional attributes to meet their desired goals.

Don’t see your question on this list, or want to learn more? Schedule time with us, or check out our AI Promotion Solution page!

Key Takeaways

Besides the burning questions we received about our AI Promotion Solution, we also had many conversations with retailers on buzzworthy retail topics. Here are a few to note:

  1. Leveraging customer and loyalty data is critical
  2. Targeted promotions should be high on the priority list
  3. Omnichannel experience is the future
  4. Streamlined and centralized processes are the new normal
  5. Accessible and accurate data is invaluable

What we’re Looking Forward to Next

Though NRF 2022 has come to a close, we are looking forward to attending more tradeshows in 2022. Next up? Groceryshop 2022!

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About Cognira

About Cognira

Cognira is the leading artificial intelligence solutions provider for retailers. Cognira is passionate about helping retailers unlock valuable, transformative business insights from their data.


We know retail. We love data.


To learn more, check out our website at cognira.com or contact us today to get started. 

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