The ongoing convergence of supply chain models and digitalization means there was never a better time for Blue Yonder’s DEVCON, our annual developer conference.

As organizations invest in applications to be more flexible, agile and resilient they are looking to the builders in the enterprise — developers — to help them solve the tough problems. With today’s supply chain experience increasingly the customer experience, connecting systems and processes to enable flexible operations, multi-channel fulfillment and providing intuitive experiences for employees is critical.

Blue Yonder’s DEVCON kicked off on April 22, 2021, with incredible sessions highlighting the broad range of our LuminateTM Platform capabilities, including how developers and others can start developing top of our APIs today to build seamless user experiences across the supply chain. Labs, workshops and hands-on sessions helped them get a head start on the common UI that more and more of our Blue Yonder applications are adopting. This is incredibly important as supply chains are only predicted to become more complex. Who better to help make sense of making sense of this complexity than Blue Yonder’s own architects and developers, who shared their experiences and learnings?

Here are some highlights from DEVCON:

Keynote Highlights

  • Supercharging the Developer Experience: a hands-on lab where developers got their own environment to build their own microservice and plug in APIs.
  • Insider’s Tour of Luminate Platform: our developers discussed the role of ecosystems in the autonomous supply chain, components of Luminate Platform and its interrelated capabilities. They also shared their experiences about the key role developers and data scientists play in the end-to-end data process, and how this ultimately impacts the customer experience.
  • Platform Under the Hood: we built a Vaccine Distribution and Tracking application using our platform’s services and frameworks! We developed services in Python, UIs in React and deployed our application to our platform’s runtime, and extension of Kubernetes.
  • The Unicorn Project and Five Ideals keynote: bestselling author of ‘The Unicorn Project,’ Gene Kim, shared how developers and others across IT and Data can support their companies on the road from good to great transformation, including the five ideals to help us all thrive in the age of data.

Industry Track Highlights

  • Commerce: highlighted innovative space planning, harnessing the incredible value in data and leveraging the power of mobile devices.
  • Planning: our developers shared their experiences balancing standardization and customization, using use available solution APIs and the mobile extensibility framework to build mobile applications for retail associates in retail, and orchestrating forecasting and replenishment workflows.
  • Logistics: explored design label component using drag-drop-config capability, workflows to extend and improve the user experience, and how our platform UI is transforming transportation by providing end to end logistics visibility.

Even though DEVCON is a wrap, you can still catch up by watching our on-demand replays. Register here.