4 Simple Steps To Becoming A Walmart Supplier

6 min read

Learn about:

  • The key differences between being a retail and marketplace supplier

  • The four basic steps to becoming a Walmart supplier

  • The kinds of products that Walmart sells

Walmart has suppliers that can be segregated into different categories. Together, they form an association of more than 100,000 enterprises all across the globe. This is the technique that Walmart uses to fulfill its customers' product requirements and demands. 

If you want to be a Walmart supplier, you must first look at the various categories of suppliers to know which category suits you best. If your business is in the United States, then Walmart will require you to fulfill its selection criteria to be seen as a prospective seller of products online or at outlets.

Becoming a Supplier

In this process, Walmart assesses the products. If the products pass the criteria, they are put up for sale online or in retail stores.  This is how a small enterprise can transform into one of the finest brands with Walmart's support.

A Walmart supplier is not the same as a marketplace supplier even though initially, the process seems to be similar.  In the case of a marketplace supplier, its products are sold via Walmart's online marketplace. Retailers complete the orders themselves, whereas marketplace suppliers bear the responsibility for their products and orders.

In contrast, Walmart purchases a product from a Walmart supplier. The products that will be put up for sale by Walmart are supplied by vendors. Walmart will put these products online and in its retail outlets for sale after a purchase order is sent. Thus the actual reselling is done by Walmart.

The Four Steps to Becoming a Walmart Supplier:

  • Presenting the Merchandise

  • Getting an Application ID Number

  • Supplier Questionnaire Invitation 

  • Supplier Agreement Review 

Step 1: Present the Merchandise

The supplier is required to present the merchandise to Walmart to be reviewed and ensure that all the required details are presented along with the product.  In the beginning, an applicant supplier also must submit all contact details. 

This must consist of the company's name, physical address, phone number, and email address.  Following this, the company is required to provide its Federal Taxpayer ID number. This must correspond to the company particulars that have been submitted earlier. In addition, the potential supplier must fill out the application completely.

The supplier should make sure to include all the product details.  Details include product dimensions and the components used. The objective behind the merchandise is also of significance. In the application, the supplier must also submit other essential product details for Walmart to review. Additionally, a photo of the product no larger than 512 kilobytes must also be submitted.

Lastly, a GTIN (14-digit globally unique number) and UPC Number (Universal Product Number) are required to be submitted.

Step 2: Application ID Number

To start with, Walmart evaluates the application. Thereafter, Walmart will email the supplier an application ID number. It is necessary for the supplier to preserve this ID number. The number may be required in further processes or queries.

Step 3: Invitation to the Supplier Questionnaire

If Walmart approves all the previous steps, the supplier will be required to fill out and submit a supplier questionnaire. If your questionnaire gets approved, you will get an email from a Walmart buyer within a month of submission. The buyer will link you to the Supplier Agreement.

This questionnaire contains in-depth information on the supplier. Walmart must have all the information about the supplier they plan tol partner with. The supplier will need to submit the following information, even though it has been submitted earlier:

  • The Primary Ethnicity Of The Business

  • Sales And Accounts Of The Business

  • The Company's Particulars

  • The DUN & Bradstreet Number (DUNS+4) For Identification Purposes

  • The Federal Tax ID Number

  • The Product's GTIN/UPCc Number

  • All of the connections of the business and their details

  • Production Sites

  • Company Testimonials

Once the questionnaire is completed, the next step is to register with Walmart's DUN & Bradstreet portal.  

Lastly, the company needs to fill out Walmart's Registration Program and remit the registration charges. 

Step 4: Evaluation of the Supplier Agreement                                                  

Walmart evaluates the questionnaire and the merchandise that is presented for submission. After approval, Walmart releases the Supplier Agreement issued. This agreement contains details pertaining to the purchase order, conditions of payment, and associated criteria. It is mandatory for the supplier to fulfill the provisions aligned in the Supplier Agreement. The supplier agreement must be carefully examined and fully understood.. Then, the vendor is required to sign and submit the Agreement. 

Kind of Products Walmart Places on its Shelves

Suppliers must know that Walmart stores throughout the US and worldwide offer competitively favorably priced products that customers prefer. The type of goods that Walmart accepts from suppliers include:

  • Home fixtures

  • Household items

  • Health and beauty aids

  • Pet provisions

  • Sports goods

  • Electronics

  • Automotive

  • Jewelry

  • Toys

  • Clothing

  • Hardware

  • Gardening items

The retail giant also accepts grocery items such as:

  • Dry goods and staples

  • Canned and packaged goods

  • Frozen foods

  • Paper goods 

  • Deli foods

  • Beverages

  • Seasonings

  • Fresh produce

  • Meat and dairy products

  • Bakery goods

Walmart has other departments that can be quite lucrative, such as:

  • Pharmacy

  • Tire & Lube Express

  • Brand name restaurants

  • Health clinic 

  • Hair salon

  • Employment agency

  • Vision centers

  • Bank

  • Portrait studio

  • Photo center

You get the best exposure from Walmart's sprawling customer base once you are on board as Walmart's supplier. For a wide range of products accepted by Walmart, including everything from home fixtures and electronics to fresh produce and meat, explore Walmart Departments and Categories.

Further Reading and SupplyPike's Help

Once you are a Walmart supplier, make sure you check out SupplyPike's solution for retail revenue loss. SupplyPike helps suppliers by providing automation in the deductions space and oversight into supply chain performance. Schedule a meeting with a team member to see if our solution is a good fit for your business.

For more content that covers the dynamics of Walmart and various retailers, explore a diverse collection of articles, webinars, informative eBooks, and handy cheat sheets on our website.

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Written by The SupplyPike Team

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SupplyPike builds software to help retail suppliers fight deductions, meet compliance standards, and dig down to root cause issues in their supply chain.

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