Most companies publicly communicate the belief that automation is a valuable asset for supply chains. However, if you look into how many have actually invested in automation, you’ll find that their actions often do not match the rhetoric. Why? Because supply chain managers continue to struggle to communicate and quantify the value of automation -- and this lack of clarity causes unintentional misunderstandings and misallocation of budgets.
Advance planning, communicating and getting internal buy-in is important for any big project including those that involve automation. The success will be determined by the advance planning and identification of the right KPIs to measure the ROI of automation.
Join us for this insightful webinar with Cathy Morrow Roberson, Head Analyst at Logistics Trends and Insights, LLC, and learn the key areas to help prove that implementing automation is a sound financial strategy:
- Getting the buy-in
- Why automation in order processing is at the heart of the supply chain
- The importance of using and measuring ROI
- How can one efficiently utilize automation?
If you're serious about implementing automation, you need to make the financial case. Don't let the powers that be oversee your supply chain, control it yourself!
May 2nd, 2019 12.30 PM PST, 3.30 PM EST, 8.30 PM BST
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