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Embedded Analytics Insights for 2024

Organizations look to embedded analytics to provide greater self-service for users, introduce AI capabilities, offer better insight into data, and provide customizable dashboards that present data in a visually pleasing, easy-to-access format. To better understand the factors behind the decision to build or buy analytics, insightsoftware partnered with Hanover Research to survey IT, software development, and analytics professionals on why they make the embedded analytics choices they do.

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Next-Gen Procurement: Transforming Processes with the Power of Generative AI

Generative AI goes beyond just automating tasks and providing real-time answers. Did you know that implementing generative AI reduces sourcing cycle times and allows for faster decision-making across procurement operations? In this whitepaper — Next-Gen Procurement: Transforming Processes With the Power of Generative AI — experts reveal how the strategic application of generative AI within procurement processes is paving the way for groundbreaking improvements.

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The Big Payoff of Application Analytics

Outdated or absent analytics won’t cut it in today’s data-driven applications – not for your end users, your development team, or your business. That’s what drove the five companies in this e-book to change their approach to analytics. Download this e-book to learn about the unique problems each company faced and how they achieved huge returns beyond expectation by embedding analytics into applications.

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Strategic Cost Management Approaches to Unlock Growth and Increase Profitability

How can businesses gain a competitive edge in an era marked by relentless competition and economic fluctuations? The secret is mastering strategic cost management strategies. This GEP bulletin, "Strategic Cost Management Approaches to Unlock Growth and Increase Profitability," breaks this down into clear, actionable steps. Discover how these strategies can boost your enterprise's financial health, helping not only to keep up but to excel in today's market.

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Monetizing Analytics Features

Think your customers will pay more for data visualizations in your application? Five years ago, they may have. But today, dashboards and visualizations have become table stakes. Turning analytics into a source of revenue means integrating advanced features in unique, hard-to-steal ways. Download this white paper to discover which features will differentiate your application and maximize the ROI of your analytics.

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Five Best Practices for Balancing Costs, Risks, and Sustainability

In the face of volatile macroeconomic conditions and other complex challenges, supply chain and procurement pros must strike a tough balance between seemingly contradictory demands: boosting performance and sustaining and extending business operations, all while meeting customers’ needs. This GEP paper provides impactful tips on how to develop a strategic procurement approach that focuses on collaboration, innovation, and sustainability.

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How To Package & Price Embedded Analytics

Just by embedding analytics, app owners can charge 24% more for their product. How much value could you add? This framework from Software Pricing Partners explains how application enhancements can extend your product offerings. You’ll learn: How to take a disciplined approach to pricing The three elements of the Packaging Decision Framework Ways to structure your new embedded analytics offering Download the White Paper to learn about How To Package & Price Embedded Analytics.

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How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Contract Management in Telecom & High-Tech

The high-tech and telecom sectors face a contract management crisis if the process isn’t managed properly. Continual technological changes necessitate adjustments to manufacturing and supply chain processes, leading to a heavy volume of contracts that outpaces most industries. What can CPOs do to ease the contract management burden? In "How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Contract Management in Telecom and High-Tech," GEP experts outline a four-pronged approach to getting contract management under cont

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Embedded Analytics: A Force Multiplier for Business

The possibilities for embedded analytics to drive real value for businesses, end users, and society are as fascinating as they are limitless. No matter the industry, brand after brand is finding that analytics can be the solution to a multitude of business challenges. Go deep with five insightsoftware customers as they share the details of their analytics journeys and discuss the transformative power of data.

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How One Manufacturer Used GEP SOFTWARE To Save $45M in Direct Material Sourcing

For global manufacturers, managing direct and indirect material spend can get very complicated very quickly. Multiple legacy systems prevent procurement from standardizing processes and tracking what they’re spending with each supplier. In response to these challenges, a leading heavy equipment manufacturer selected GEP to redesign its source-to-contract processes and implement a convergent data model to help manage procurement data across its multiple locations.

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More Than 40 New Manufacturers Join Configura’s Platform in 2023

More than 40 manufacturers across the commercial interior, material handling, and kitchen and bath industries expand offers via Configura’s CET platform in 2023.

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What is Mesh Networking Trends Report

This report details the capabilities of mesh networks, how they work, and the applications they thrive in supporting. Connectivity is necessary for optimal productivity, and mesh networking will soon be a significant provider of connectivity globally.