Sat.May 11, 2019 - Fri.May 17, 2019

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High-Performance Fulfillment: The 5-Point Guide to HPF Strategy

ModusLink Corporation

Today’s brands are up against increasingly steep consumer expectations for immediacy. Companies need to get products in the hands of customers faster, more consistently and without incident (like a missing part)—lest their brand reputation suffer. To meet these demands and stay competitive in their categories, companies are looking to supply chain innovation to optimize fulfillment. […].

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How Logistics Is Proving that Amazon Needs to Be Regulated


A version of this article originally appeared on . A few days ago, Amazon announced one day delivery plans. In itself, that’s a big deal, but its significance is compounded when you consider the trucking shipment volumes such a move will require; it’s essentially jet fuel for their new freight brokerage business. Take into account their FBA warehouse footprint, NVOCC license, and SEC reports flagging forwarders as competition, and you have a solid reminder that Amazon is coming for gl


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The Future of Supply Chains Falls to Younger Workers and Robots

Enterra Insights

By any measure, today’s supply chains are remarkable accomplishments. They often span the globe and, despite often requiring hundreds of transactions, shipments move through the supply chain keeping store shelves stocked and consumers happy. Supply chains have been around since the earliest human settlements began trading goods. Each succeeding generation of supply chain professionals builds on the hard work and wisdom of professionals in preceding generations.

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5 Impacts of Autonomous Trucking on Supply Chains


The flying car of the future might still be out of reach, but autonomous trucking is moving quickly into view for many businesses. Trucks manned by technology, with no human drivers, are currently being tested around the globe. Companies have a vested interest in exploring how an autonomous fleet can help their business in More. The post 5 Impacts of Autonomous Trucking on Supply Chains appeared first on Transportation Management Company | Cerasis.

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Embedded Analytics Insights for 2024

Organizations look to embedded analytics to provide greater self-service for users, introduce AI capabilities, offer better insight into data, and provide customizable dashboards that present data in a visually pleasing, easy-to-access format. To better understand the factors behind the decision to build or buy analytics, insightsoftware partnered with Hanover Research to survey IT, software development, and analytics professionals on why they make the embedded analytics choices they do.

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Supply Chain Visibility: Beyond “Where’s My Truck?”

Talking Logistics

I’ve been an industry analyst for over 20 years and achieving timely and accurate supply chain visibility has always been — and continues to be — a top priority for companies across all industries. It’s an ongoing challenge because supply chains continue to get more fragmented, more global, and more dynamic. The good news is that advancements in technology are addressing some of the historical challenges companies have faced in gathering, sharing, and analyzing real-time data from ma

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Retail Apocalypse Predicted to Continue

Enterra Insights

An apocalypse is defined as an event involving destruction or damage on an awesome or catastrophic scale. Over the past several years, thousands of brick-and-mortar retail stores have closed in what has been called the Retail Apocalypse. A couple of years ago, Robin Wigglesworth ( @RobinWigg ) charted the beginnings of the Retail Apocalypse and noted it shouldn’t have been a surprise “given the vast overbuilding of stores and shopping malls in recent decades.”[1] Wigglesworth a

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Are Supply Chain Executives Prepared For a Supply Chain Talent Crisis?


The supply chain talent crisis is a significant problem that will cause widespread disruption in the industry. More workers are retiring, and there are just not enough members from the newer generations interested in the industry. However, demand for more products, faster and at lower costs is increasing, so supply chain executives need to More.

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Supply Chain Quality: A Driver for Digital Transformation

Talking Logistics

Commercialization strategies evolve, supply chains expand, and production rates accelerate. The only way to take control of your future is to double down on quality. Product quality directly impacts the profitability of a company. The cost of poor quality is so closely related to supplier quality and compliance that manufacturers must give the proper attention and resources to the optimization of their upstream partnerships.

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What Amazon’s One-Day Delivery Promise Means for Supply Chains


Amazon is once again raising the bar for speed of delivery with its announcement on May 13, 2019 that the company’s new goal is to make 1-day delivery standard for Prime customers. Amazon’s 2-day free shipping guarantee has already had huge implications on supply chains, so much in fact that the term the “Amazon Effect” […]. The post What Amazon’s One-Day Delivery Promise Means for Supply Chains appeared first on Kuebix.

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7 Leadership Themes for Procurement & Supply Chain Leaders in 2024

Procurement and supply chain leaders are presented with their fair share of challenges, with a host of tools and strategies to resolve them. That said, what’s the best path forward to leverage this year’s trends? In this recap of a recent GEP-WBR webinar, 7 Leadership Themes for Procurement & Supply Chain Leaders in 2024, GEP’s Pramod Sethumadhavan explores seven vital leadership trends that will help guide procurement and supply chain decision-makers.

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What’s New with MMOG/LE Version 5?


What is MMOG/LE? The Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) and Odette International are releasing the fifth version of the Materials Management Operations Guideline/Logistics Evaluation (MMOG/LE) assessment this summer. The MMOG/LE assessment has been a go-to document for automotive supply chain best practices for thousands of global Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers since its first publication in 2002.

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STORD Relocates HQ to Atlanta’s Technology Square Across from Georgia Tech Campus, Adding 50+ More Jobs in 2019


ATLANTA, Ga. (May 15) -- STORD®, the pioneer of Networked Distribution, next-generation warehousing and distribution for modern shippers, today announced the relocation of its headquarters to Atlanta’s historic Biltmore Hotel, located directly across from Midtown’s Technology Square, a multi-block part of the Georgia Institute of Technology campus. The new, larger office space can accommodate the rapid growth of the company, which was recently named the 13th fastest growing private company in At

Georgia 78
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Ingredients of a Successful Supply Chain: Transparency, Visibility, and Traceability

Talking Logistics

As the world becomes a more digitally-enabled community of people, things, and services, technology will be embedded in almost everything. People will leverage analytics engines, machine learning, internet-connected sensors, and more to fundamentally boost efficiencies everywhere. Contrasting software tools that are meant to enhance decision-making and execution make it difficult to optimize planning, collaborate with trading partners, and deliver superior customer experiences.

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Ports, Shippers, Companies to Accelerate Blockchain Deployment Across Supply Chains

Material Handling & Logistics

Over 100 organizations and experts representing large shippers, supply chain providers and governments have joined the World Economic Forum project to speed up use of blockchain technology.

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Scaling Logistics for Success: A White Claw Story

Speaker: Scott Campbell and Molly Feller

As the demand for your products skyrockets 🚀, you're likely experiencing logistical challenges that are preventing you from scaling your business. The sudden surge in demand can be exciting, but it can also put a strain on your supply chain and logistics operations. In this webinar, join Scott Campbell, Vice President, Logistics & Demand at Mark Anthony Services and Molly Feller, VP Logistics as a Service Operations at e2open, as they explore the challenges that arise when companies expe

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Blockchain and Edge Computing: Supercharging the Supply Chain

Supply Chain Brain

Emerging technologies like predictive analytics, augmented reality and blockchain have the potential to transform supply-chain operations. Leading the charge for businesses in the digital age: edge computing.

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Executives see AI, Cognitive Analytics and Cloud as the Path to Innovation and Speed to Market

JDA software

According to research, executives are investing in new cloud-based AI and cognitive analytics capabilities that will provide them with end-to-end visibility and traceability across their extended supply networks, starting them on the road to autonomous supply chains. CXO executives increasingly understand that satisfying fast-changing customer demand in today’s digital marketplace won’t happen if they continue to rely on the same legacy systems and technologies that may have served them well in

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Struggling to innovate

Supply Chain Movement

Logistics service providers seem to be struggling to innovate, despite the thriving economy. There are of course a few clouds darkening the horizon (e.g. Brexit and the threat of escalating trade wars), but with the current economic wind in their sails logistics service providers should be in a strong position to innovate. Instead, however, it seems they are failing to benefit from the economic boom to the same extent as their clients are.

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Instant Gratification: How Immediacy Has Become the Latest Supply Chain Trend


We live in an on-demand culture. Today’s customer expects to receive items that they purchase within a couple days, no matter where it’s coming from. With this instant-gratification culture, smaller and mid-sized companies are feeling the pressure to keep up with larger, global enterprises. How will these supply chain trends shape 2019? Express Shipping and In-Store Pickup: The Proliferation of Immediacy.

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2024 Annual T&L M&A Report

Tenney Group, an industry specialized M&A Advisory firm in the T&L space, produced the 2024 Annual M&A Report. The report contains an in depth overview of 2023 notable deals and the market, while also providing the outlook for 2024 M&A.

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6 River Systems named to RBR50 by Robotics Business Review

6 River Systems

6 River Systems , the provider of the world’s first and only fully collaborative mobile robotics solution, has been named to the RBR50, the Robotics Business Review’s top 50 list of leading automation companies. The RBR50 is the annual list of the 50 most innovative and transformative robotics companies that have achieved commercial success in the past year.

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Gazing into the Crystal Ball

JDA software

JDA’s Crystal Ball event began last year across our two India-based Centers of Excellence to tackle the constant shift in technology head-on through our best asset – our people! We are in our second year of the Crystal Ball events that have become a funnel for ideas that will fuel our product transformation and customer experience. We’ve expanded these beyond India into Monterrey, Mexico and most recently, Scottsdale as well.

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These 4 Key Elements of a Multichannel Strategy Can Impact Your Supply Chain


Going online does not just mean using desktops and laptops anymore — it is anytime, anywhere connectivity afforded by tablets, smartphones and smartwatches. Our more connected world has unsurprisingly changed the way we shop. As a direct result of exponential growth in online spaces and with numerous ways to purchase nowadays, retailers are taking a second look at how they can grow more efficient in serving cross-channel shoppers.

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When Shipments Miss Estimated Delivery Date, WISMO Reigns


On a quiet, stormy Thursday evening just before Mother’s Day, warehouse workers loaded up […]. The post When Shipments Miss Estimated Delivery Date, WISMO Reigns appeared first on Convey.

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Monetizing Analytics Features

Think your customers will pay more for data visualizations in your application? Five years ago, they may have. But today, dashboards and visualizations have become table stakes. Turning analytics into a source of revenue means integrating advanced features in unique, hard-to-steal ways. Download this white paper to discover which features will differentiate your application and maximize the ROI of your analytics.

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9% increase in transparency since 2017 and brands as a force for good: transparency roundup


Shoppers are increasingly demanding more information behind the things they buy. So we’re here to bring you the key developments, innovations and events from the businesses leading the way. Welcome to our monthly Transparency Roundup. In the fashion industry and want to learn how transparency can increase sales and drive engagement? Join our webinar in partnership with Common Objective on the 12th of June.

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Collaboration in a Multi-Enterprise Environment


Today I will be discussing multi-enterprise supply chains. Specifically, collaboration and communication methods used to facilitate coordination across multiple legal entities. Modern supply chains have successfully become increasingly connected and global. This success has been the result of efficient digital operations. Connected supply chains are able to visualize demand (from consumers, retailers, distributors) and supply (from raw material supply, component & contract manufacturers).

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How You Can Optimise Your Inventory to Save Money


The phrase ‘flushing money down the drain’ can feel like a reality if your inventory isn’t managed properly. Managing inventory can be daunting, but the feeling of losing money because of inventory can be even worse. Mistakes from a stock take can be costly: dead stock lying around the warehouse can take up storage costs and lose money, and items that expire or spoil will also send your accounts in the wrong direction.

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Integrating Transportation Carriers – EDI 200 Series


Automating your freight operations begins by streamlining your communications with the entities carrying your goods – transportation carriers. Integrating with your carriers via API allows you to seamlessly exchange data using the 200 transaction series, so you can always know what’s happening with your shipments. What is the EDI 200 series? In the world of business integrations, the 200 series of transaction codes are mainly categorized for transportation EDI as Carrier Documents and truc

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Next-Gen Procurement: Transforming Processes with the Power of Generative AI

Generative AI goes beyond just automating tasks and providing real-time answers. Did you know that implementing generative AI reduces sourcing cycle times and allows for faster decision-making across procurement operations? In this whitepaper — Next-Gen Procurement: Transforming Processes With the Power of Generative AI — experts reveal how the strategic application of generative AI within procurement processes is paving the way for groundbreaking improvements.

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Proving sustainably-sourced ingredients in health and wellness foods


Food brands have always recognised the importance of sourcing the right ingredients. Choosing where ingredients come from is a critical choice in determining the final quality of the product. But given its importance, it has often not been central to a brand’s story; worries remain about opening the supply chain and creating new vulnerabilities. That stance is now changing.

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Expect the Unexpected: How an S&OE Center of Excellence can Help Bring Sanity to your Supply Chain


No matter how well your team has done its supply chain planning, it seems like exceptions always keep arising and you’re constantly in fire-fighting mode. Why can’t things ever go to plan? In reality, however, the “unexpected exception” really needs to become the “ expected exception”, because they certainly seem to happen often enough. But how can supply chain deal with these expected exceptions in a way that won’t keep driving everyone crazy?

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S&OP Systems = Spreadsheet Planning with Lipstick


S&OP has become very popular over the past few years because it somewhat eases planning through better user interface than traditional spreadsheets, availability of built-in reports and analytics. However, what is inside your typical S&OP system is no better than a spreadsheet logic! It relies on capacity buckets just like spreadsheets, it relies on pre-defined bottleneck resources and it assumes fixed or given product leadtimes.

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