Thu.Jan 21, 2021

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Is Procurement Drowning in Data?

Supply Chain Game Changer

Subscribe Here! Email Address. Subscribe to Supply Chain Game Changer. Featuring Our 12 Best Procurement Articles! Get Our EBOOK HERE. Procurement drowning in data article and permission to publish here provided by Sam Jenks at Global Trade has grown to a value of 25.3 Trillion USD, reported in 2018 ( 2019 ). At the same time, the global availability of information & data has grown at 4x the speed of global trade ( 2019 ).

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Predictability in a Time of Uncertainty: Machine Learning in Logistics

Logistics Viewpoints

Many organizations faced the most disruptive year in their history as they dealt with the consequences of the pandemic. Large swings in supply and demand for different product categories and changes in distribution patterns left logistics managers grappling with the biggest challenge of their careers. Challenges that were made all the more difficult by one of the most basic yet complex questions in logistics, “How long will it take to get there?


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COVID-19: The Logistics Challenge of the Century & the Short and Medium Term Impacts to Supply Chains

The Logistics & Supply Chain Management Society

Join us for a deep dive into the brave new logistics world with vaccine distribution. 02 FEBRUARY 2021 | 3.00PM-4.30PM (SGT). The massive vaccine distribution is changing logistics as competition for space rises and COVID-19 ravages supply chains. Part 1: The Logistics Challenge of the Century. 3.00PM. Our high level webinar will provide you with expert up-to-date discussion on the logistics challenges around the distribution of vaccines and their enormous effect on future supply chains globally

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Top Ten COVID Intensive Care Recovery KPIs

Enchange Supply Chain Consultancy

On a daily basis the amount of care we give to the human body is remarkably little. When you are feeling in good shape, the best the body can hope for is a good wash, a brush of the teeth and a slap of moisturiser. What else? Haircut, skin peel and manicure perhaps oh, and possibly a check that your weight has not dropped 10% overnight – you wish!

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Embedded Analytics Insights for 2024

Organizations look to embedded analytics to provide greater self-service for users, introduce AI capabilities, offer better insight into data, and provide customizable dashboards that present data in a visually pleasing, easy-to-access format. To better understand the factors behind the decision to build or buy analytics, insightsoftware partnered with Hanover Research to survey IT, software development, and analytics professionals on why they make the embedded analytics choices they do.

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Q&A with Joe Bellini on Supply Chain Trends of 2021 (Part 1)

The Network Effect

The post Q&A with Joe Bellini on Supply Chain Trends of 2021 (Part 1) appeared first on The Network Effect.

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Blockchain: Good or Good for Nothing?

Enterra Insights

Controversy makes life interesting. Used properly, controversy can lead one to the truth. Unfortunately, in today’s society, controversy is too often used as a tool to obscure truth rather than reveal it. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the United States Declaration of Independence, once stated, “Controversy is only dreaded by the advocates of error.” Business leaders, who are often required to make decisions based on ambiguous facts, are best served when controversies are brought t

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Americold: A Strong Network at Work For you


Consistency is a beautiful thing. From a customer perspective, it provides comfort; your favorite chain restaurant offers a similar experience whether you’re dining in Atlanta or San Francisco. From a business owner’s perspective, it provides efficiency; process consistency saves time and resources.

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The Importance of Having a Responsive Supply Chain 

Vanguard Software

A responsive supply chain is critical for achieving supply chain planning success in times of both major and minor disruption. For supply chains, responsiveness means being able to have the agility to plan, monitor, and respond instantly when unexpected events occur.

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Federal agency warns cloud attacks are on the rise – how can businesses stay safe?

IT Supply Chain

By Terry Greer-King (pictured). VP EMEA, Sonicwall. The post Federal agency warns cloud attacks are on the rise – how can businesses stay safe? appeared first on IT Supply Chain.

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Next-Gen Procurement: Transforming Processes with the Power of Generative AI

Generative AI goes beyond just automating tasks and providing real-time answers. Did you know that implementing generative AI reduces sourcing cycle times and allows for faster decision-making across procurement operations? In this whitepaper — Next-Gen Procurement: Transforming Processes With the Power of Generative AI — experts reveal how the strategic application of generative AI within procurement processes is paving the way for groundbreaking improvements.

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2020: Manufacturing, a Year in Review


If global manufacturers learned anything from 2020 it was that disruption is the new normal. Some change we saw coming – things like changing customer preferences, the increasing call to produce sustainable products, a growing skills gap on the shop floor – and some changes were unforeseen, like the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting supply chains.

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Does The World of Warehouse Automation and Systems Feel Complex?


By Diane Jordan, VP of Industry Strategy, Accelogix. As the industry continues to adapt to its changing demands, technology offerings continue to expand. Today a workforce can no longer be considered only the people within the 4 walls of your DC. Your workforce is being transformed into an automated workforce. The combination of people, automatous technologies, software and fixed automation work together to move the goods through your operation.

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Profitable Agility: Part 2 of Agility and Resilience in Supply Chain Execution


This blog is based on an article that recently ran in the Journal of Supply Chain Management, Logistics & Procurement, “ Supply chain agility: An imperative in an unpredictable world.”. In part 1 of the Agility and Resilience in Supply Chain Execution series , we discussed the secret of achieving these very important aspects. We will now explore the concrete actions to make digitalization and hyper-connected supply chain possible to attain better performance and profitability.

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How to Improve Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central’s Inventory Management Capabilities


Dynamics 365 Business Central, or Dynamics BC, is Microsoft’s newest ERP to the market. Predominantly based on the functionality of Dynamics NAV, it’s easily connected with Microsoft’s other solutions from the 365 software suite to provide a fully integrated business system. Dynamics Business Central has primarily been developed for the cloud and, as a SaaS product, businesses can choose to pay per user and month, making it very scalable to meet changing needs.

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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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Introducing ThroughPut Demand Sensing : Your Toolkit for a Resilient & Agile Supply Chain


When the going gets tough, the tough get going. How familiar does this sound? Little did we know that this would become a harsh reality by the end of this decade! Well, the world isn’t the same as we left it last January in 2020. eBay banned its listings of essentials like masks, sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes after a price run-up, a shocking $138 for a bottle of Purell.

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Bristlecone Flash – January 2021


HOW PROCUREMENT IS DELIVERING VALUE BEYOND SAVINGS. When procurement teams embrace innovative and sustainable ideas and technologies and align operations to customer requirements, procurement evolves from cost center to profit center. The pandemic has pushed digital transformation initiatives forward and set the stage for procurement to take its place as a strategic partner across the supply chain.

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Supply Chain Visibility Trends: How Technology will Yield Process, Analytics, & Shipment-Level Visibility


Regardless of where in the supply chain one may look, an integral component of smooth […]. The post Supply Chain Visibility Trends: How Technology will Yield Process, Analytics, & Shipment-Level Visibility appeared first on MercuryGate International.

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4 keys to supply chain transformation with Sweetwater’s Robert Gerwig


Stop for a second to consider how ubiquitous and easy ordering something online is and having it delivered. It’s simple for the buyer, but behind the scenes, it becomes far more complex.

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Scaling Logistics for Success: A White Claw Story

Speaker: Scott Campbell and Molly Feller

As the demand for your products skyrockets 🚀, you're likely experiencing logistical challenges that are preventing you from scaling your business. The sudden surge in demand can be exciting, but it can also put a strain on your supply chain and logistics operations. In this webinar, join Scott Campbell, Vice President, Logistics & Demand at Mark Anthony Services and Molly Feller, VP Logistics as a Service Operations at e2open, as they explore the challenges that arise when companies expe

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How can retailers get ahead in 2021


2020 was a year that changed retail. Consumers were forced to drastically change shopping habits as we moved our lives onto digital platforms, and retailers had to quickly shift all their operations online to adapt to the new reality. But in many ways 2020 simply accelerated already emergent trends. As we look ahead to 2021 and the hopeful return of some normality, retailers must ask themselves which consumer behaviours are here to stay and what the ‘new normal’ will be for the sector.

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Bakery supply chain equipment recoveries up 54% in second half of 2020

Manufacturing & Logistics IT

Bakers Basco, the industry-wide bakery equipment solution set up by five of the UK’s largest plant bakers for transporting bread and morning goods, has reported a 54% increase in the number of Omega bread baskets recovered between the first half of 2020 compared to the second half of the year, according to latest figures.

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HMRC has neglected IT modernisation

IT Supply Chain

By Mike Kiersey (pictured). Principal Technologist at Boomi. The post HMRC has neglected IT modernisation appeared first on IT Supply Chain.

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Why On-Time Shipping Performance Continues to Be Critical

Intelligent Audit

Dealing with logistics management for shippers remains a primary focus for many in the industry. On-time shipping performance remains one of the most critical factors for shippers of choice. Keeping customer satisfaction high and remaining focused on crucial business smart goals becomes essential focus points for logistics managers. Accurate data and thorough freight auditing help keep supply chains running smoothly and effectively.

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2024 Annual T&L M&A Report

Tenney Group, an industry specialized M&A Advisory firm in the T&L space, produced the 2024 Annual M&A Report. The report contains an in depth overview of 2023 notable deals and the market, while also providing the outlook for 2024 M&A.

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Supply Chain Cartoon Caption Winners for Dec. 8, 2020 Contest

Supply Chain Digest

See who took home the prize

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What Entrepreneurs Need to Know about eCommerce Order Fulfillment

Amware Logistics and Fulfillment

We’ve all heard the expression, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.”. We also know that it’s dead wrong, because when it comes to key functions like picking, packing, and shipping, your pockets of ignorance could wind up costing you big. That’s why it pays to know as much as you can about the ins and outs of eCommerce order fulfillment.

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2020 Supply Chain in Numbers and Charts

Supply Chain Digest

From Economic Growth to Freight Volumes and Rates to What Happened in ecommerce, We Have It All

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2021: Procurement Insights & Key Issues


The post 2021: Procurement Insights & Key Issues appeared first on Ivalua.

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The Big Payoff of Application Analytics

Outdated or absent analytics won’t cut it in today’s data-driven applications – not for your end users, your development team, or your business. That’s what drove the five companies in this e-book to change their approach to analytics. Download this e-book to learn about the unique problems each company faced and how they achieved huge returns beyond expectation by embedding analytics into applications.

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Kivnon Launches Three New Mobile Robotics Solutions

Supply Chain Brain

Kivnon, specialists mobile robotics solutions, recently announced its new three models of autonomous vehicles: the K03 Twister, the K50 Pallet Truck and the K55 Pallet Stacker, capable of circulating around the environment using magnetic guidance or mapping navigation, based on SLAM technology.

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Manufacturing Consumer Products: How Speakers are Made


There are many kinds of audio speakers, ranging from tiny in-ear devices to the large volume speakers used in rock concerts, and everything in between. Speakers can also be stereo or mono, omnidirectional, electrostatic, active, passive, or many other variations. What they all have in common is the ability to reproduce sound, whether the sound is the softest and most sublime music or a blaring announcement designed to be heard by large crowds over long distances.

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How to Breakdown Your Bill of Lading

Freight Center

Even though the freight world is going more and more digital every day, the basic paperwork is still an essential part of the process. The Bill of Lading (BOL) is the most important document in freight shipping and knowing why it’s so important will help you avoid excess charges and help you ship more efficiently. The BOL must be accurate with all the T’s are crossed and I’s dotted.

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