Sat.Nov 04, 2017 - Fri.Nov 10, 2017

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How Can I Drive Lights-Out Planning?

Supply Chain Shaman

Inquiry is increasing. Company dissatisfaction with supply chain planning is growing. The goal is to improve insights while decreasing the number of planners. The growing dissatisfaction is on the inadequacies of today’s technologies. Yesterday, I facilitated a group of business leaders attempting to drive innovation in supply chain practices.

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The sales and operations planning journey: Starting off on the right foot


by Andrew Dunbar Last week I attended the IBF Business Planning, Forecasting & S&OP: Best Practices Conference in Orlando, Florida. If you’re involved in your company’s sales & operations planning processes and you haven’t heard of the IBF, stop reading now and go check them out here ! These guys bring supply chain rookies and the best-of-the-best together to talk forecasting and S&OP in a variety of different forums throughout the year.


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How to Attain “Stage 4” Supply Chain Planning Maturity


Gartner has identified five stages of supply chain planning maturity and they say that 70-80% of companies plan to increase their supply chain planning (SCP) technology spend over the next two years to climb to the next level. In their recent report titled Carefully Assess Which Tools Are Right for Each Stage of Supply Chain Planning Maturity (20 October 2017, Tim Payne & Amber Salley), the analyst firm describes the right tools to get from one level to the next.

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A Recap of Cerasis’ Week at Fabtech 2017


Fabtech 2017 is North America’s largest metal forming, fabricating, welding and finishing event. This year, Fabtech was at McCormick Place in Chicago, IL from November 6th through the 9th. The event covered more than 750,000 net square feet and hosted over 50,000 attendees and 1,700 exhibiting companies. This year, Cerasis attended Fabtech and met with several world-class suppliers, saw the latest industry products and developments, and found the tools that manufacturers can use to improve pro

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Embedded Analytics Insights for 2024

Organizations look to embedded analytics to provide greater self-service for users, introduce AI capabilities, offer better insight into data, and provide customizable dashboards that present data in a visually pleasing, easy-to-access format. To better understand the factors behind the decision to build or buy analytics, insightsoftware partnered with Hanover Research to survey IT, software development, and analytics professionals on why they make the embedded analytics choices they do.

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E2open Acquires Zyme: A Bridge Too Far?

Supply Chain Shaman

This week, E2open announced a definitive agreement to acquire Zyme. For readers of this blog that do not know Zyme, the company focuses on the management of channel data in the high-tech industry. The company is a CRM solution. The Zyme solution improves revenue management, warranty and rebate processes. This source of channel data is very industry specific to the high tech market.

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Top Threats to Supply Chain Status Quo

Supply Chain Collaborator

There are many potential disruptors to the supply chain status quo, from climate/weather to economic forces and everything else in between. However, more than these temporary, cyclical influences, there are fundamental forces at work that threaten to not just disrupt, but rather to fully transform the face of supply chain management and, more specifically, the logistics portion of the chain.

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This Week in Logistics News (November 6-10, 2017)

Talking Logistics

What are sidewalks made out of? If you said cement, you would be wrong; sidewalks are typically made out of concrete. Yes, there is a difference between cement and concrete, even though many people (including me, I admit) use the terms interchangeably. Cement is one of the raw materials that goes into making concrete, which is the finished product. I learned that fact (and many more important things) at the Command Alkon ELEVATE 2017 conference in New Orleans this week.

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Industry 4.0: A Revolution Still in the Making

Enterra Insights

Last year, Industry 4.0 (aka the Fourth Industrial Revolution) was the primary focus of the World Economic Forum and discussions … Continued. The post Industry 4.0: A Revolution Still in the Making appeared first on Enterra Solutions.

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5 Supply chain challenges you need to get on top of


Once upon a time, supply chain management was easy. Today, businesses have to contend with global competition, product life cycle compression, and most importantly, rising customer power.

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Next-Gen Procurement: Transforming Processes with the Power of Generative AI

Generative AI goes beyond just automating tasks and providing real-time answers. Did you know that implementing generative AI reduces sourcing cycle times and allows for faster decision-making across procurement operations? In this whitepaper — Next-Gen Procurement: Transforming Processes With the Power of Generative AI — experts reveal how the strategic application of generative AI within procurement processes is paving the way for groundbreaking improvements.

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How to Determine the Best-Fit Plan with Supply Chain Optimization


The use of optimization in supply chain management is widespread, just not in supply planning. Regular use of optimization occurs in inventory management and demand forecasting. “Best-fit straight line” is one of the most common uses of optimization. With this method, you enter or pull into Excel (or your favorite statistics software) a set of “x values” (the independent value e.g. the number of cars in a train) and a set of “y values” (dependent value e.g. the fuel cost for each train), click

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Top Talking Logistics Posts & Episodes (Q3 2017)

Talking Logistics

I’m in New Orleans this week speaking at the Command Alkon ELEVATE 2017 conference. I’ll share my takeaways in a future post, but in the meantime, check out the top posts and new episodes from Q3 2017 (if you missed the top posts and the new episodes from Q1 and Q2, you can read/watch them here and here , respectively). After reading/watching them, share this post with your colleagues and social media followers, then post a comment and share your perspective on these topics!

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Global Logistics and Trade Programs: An Update on GSP and C-TPAT


Updates and adjustments to global trade programs have been capturing headlines and creating uncertainty for several months. Even with NAFTA negotiations moving into 2018, there are still other possible global trade updates on the horizon that shippers should keep an eye on. Here’s a brief check-in on two important global trade programs that are on the cusp of potential change.

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Chainalytics Helps Fortune 500 Company Save Millions with Supply Chain Network Design Project


Following a Recent Acquisition, Chainalytics Creates an Optimal Supply Chain Network for a Leading Building Materials Manufacturer CHALLENGE When a Fortune 500 construction materials firm acquired a large, global competitor, it inherited an overlapping mix of product lines. It also needed to address a welter of different transportation, sourcing and order fulfillment approaches and strategies … The post Chainalytics Helps Fortune 500 Company Save Millions with Supply Chain Network Design P

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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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Who Should Take Ownership of Finished Product Inventory Management?


I mean who suffers directly when finished product inventory runs amuck by level, mix, or availability? Well, we all do, don’t we? After all, if we made it and can’t sell it, what have we done? Or, what if we promised it to customers but haven’t made it? Until we give finished goods velocity, no profits roll into the business meaning, no revenue (assuming when it sells, it gains velocity).

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Dissecting the iPhone X Supply Chain

ModusLink Corporation

On the eve of Apple’s most important iPhone launch in recent years, the iPhone’s supply chain shortages and delivery delays continue to make headlines. With worldwide iPhone X pre-orders expected to top 40 million units, Apple is projected to only have 20 million iPhone units available to customers in the coming months. Making matters worse, the shortages […].

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Ryder Places First Medium-Duty Electric Vehicle Order with Chanje Energy and Begins to Roll Out Charging Stations

Supply Chain Network

Miami, November 2, 2017 —Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE: R), a leader in commercial fleet management , dedicated transportation , and supply chain solutions , announced today it has started to take delivery of 125 medium-duty electric panel vans, the first of their kind in North America, now available for lease or rent. The vehicle order follows the exclusive sales channel and electric vehicle service partnership that Ryder recently announced with Chanje Energy in August and consists of Chanje’s mediu

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Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Supply Chains (Guest Post by Wolfgang Lehmacher, WEF)

SCM Research

My guest post today comes from Wolfgang Lehmacher, who presents a white paper prepared by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with BVL International. The report, titled Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Supply Chains , provides preliminary considerations for Fourth Industrial Revolution-driven supply chains. Based on the impact on supply chains of advanced technologies, in particular the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, advanced robotics, enterprise wearables and a

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Scaling Logistics for Success: A White Claw Story

Speaker: Scott Campbell and Molly Feller

As the demand for your products skyrockets 🚀, you're likely experiencing logistical challenges that are preventing you from scaling your business. The sudden surge in demand can be exciting, but it can also put a strain on your supply chain and logistics operations. In this webinar, join Scott Campbell, Vice President, Logistics & Demand at Mark Anthony Services and Molly Feller, VP Logistics as a Service Operations at e2open, as they explore the challenges that arise when companies expe

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JDA Invests in NSERC Industrial Research Chair in User Experience to Help Companies Excel


Here at JDA, we understand innovative technology and user experience (UX) are critical to profitable growth and efficiency, which is why we invest in research and development in these areas. JDA will be in attendance on Thursday, November 9, 2017, at the HEC Montréal Founders’ Hall in Montreal, for the launch of the research and development plan for Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Industrial Research Chair in UX.

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Circular Economy in ICT – Completing the circle of supply


Bringing Circular Economy (CE) into the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry effectively targets two major fields: products and equipment (waste and consumption) and internal operations and networks (energy and data). Successful implementation of CE initiatives starts by engaging with suppliers , a reality that has been once more confirmed by participants of the 3rd Suppliers Forum organized by Orange in July 2017.

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Excess and Obsolete Inventory: You’re All Responsible for It!


The Supply Chain Resource Cooperative held its first ever “Executive Roundtable on Excess and Obsolete Inventory” on the NC State campus on October 25, 2017. The event was attended by 25 executives from a variety of different industries and backgrounds. I nventory Management Partners sponsored the event, and helped to bring together the format and content for the discussion.

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Digital Supply Chain Innovation Could Unlock Oil & Gas Industry’s New Potential


Coming out of a period of stagnation and major market challenges, the oil and gas industry is now looking at considerable potential for innovation. This progress hinges on the sector’s ability to transform operations around digital technologies, particularly in areas such as the supply chain, where the sector is well-positioned for value creation.

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2024 Annual T&L M&A Report

Tenney Group, an industry specialized M&A Advisory firm in the T&L space, produced the 2024 Annual M&A Report. The report contains an in depth overview of 2023 notable deals and the market, while also providing the outlook for 2024 M&A.

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The need to build trust and liquidity across supply chains – what the downfall of Toys R Us teaches us


It’s a bold statement, but the recent Filing of Chapter 11 by Toys-R-Us provides us with a timely example that the failure of businesses to build a position of payment certainty and therefore trust with their suppliers can ultimately lead to their demise. A recent article by the Financial Times cites the key reason for the failure of Toys R Us wasn’t its ability to keep up with debt repayment but rather “a dangerous game of dominoes” prompted by a CNBC report in early September that said the toy

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Global Logistics and Trade Programs: An Update on GSP and C-TPAT


Updates and adjustments to global trade programs have been capturing headlines and creating uncertainty for several months. Even with NAFTA negotiations moving into 2018, there are still other possible global trade updates on the horizon that shippers should keep an eye on. Here’s a brief check-in on two important global trade programs that are on the cusp of potential change.

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Stop Getting in Your Own Way - 3 Impediments to Supply Chain Success


Consider supply chain management the "B" in the ABC of your company’s business process, with A being your product and C the customer. How you conduct the “B-part” is what adds to the overall success of your process. At some point, and for a variety of reasons, we will all get in our own way of success. Sometimes we can quickly identify the issue and self-correct.

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Digital Supply Chain Innovation Could Unlock Oil & Gas Industry’s New Potential


Coming out of a period of stagnation and major market challenges, the oil and gas industry is now looking at considerable potential for innovation. This progress hinges on the sector’s ability to transform operations around digital technologies, particularly in areas such as the supply chain, where the sector is well-positioned for value creation.

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The Big Payoff of Application Analytics

Outdated or absent analytics won’t cut it in today’s data-driven applications – not for your end users, your development team, or your business. That’s what drove the five companies in this e-book to change their approach to analytics. Download this e-book to learn about the unique problems each company faced and how they achieved huge returns beyond expectation by embedding analytics into applications.

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Augment or Replace: How Will AI Impact the Workplace?

MIT Supply Chain

A future where Artificial Intelligence (AI) renders humans largely redundant in the workplace is one view of AI’s societal impact. Another view is that although AI will redefine the concept of earning a living, the technology will liberate individuals from routine tasks and enable them to perform to much higher levels. Both views were discussed […].

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Global Logistics and Trade Programs: An Update on GSP and C-TPAT


Updates and adjustments to global trade programs have been capturing headlines and creating uncertainty for several months. Even with NAFTA negotiations moving into 2018, there are still other possible global trade updates on the horizon that shippers should keep an eye on. Here’s a brief check-in on two important global trade programs that are on the cusp of potential change.

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Great news for Rootstock customers about the Salesforce AppExchange


There’s a new IDC paper, published just this week, which quantifies the collective global impact of what IDC calls the “Salesforce Economy.” That’s the term IDC uses to describe the ecosystem of Salesforce, it’s partners and customers.

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FAQ: Is Demand-Driven Manufacturing the Same Thing as Lean?


Many of our customers don’t start out looking to implement Demand-Driven Manufacturing per se. Often, they’re focused on Lean Manufacturing or at least some element of it. In fact, customers often find out about us as they search for an eKanban or production scheduling solution that will work with their current ERP system. However, at some point in the conversation, they will inevitably ask, “Is Demand-Driven Manufacturing the same thing as Lean Manufacturing?”.